Life is both good and busy. DH is hauling ass, working a ton. I am teaching, working on a start-up venture with friends and holding down the domestic end full-time. In other words, I and a FT-SAHM with two half-jobs. It is exhausting, but just fine. I struggle, but I have a great life and the good fortune to be able to choose either or both paths.
Motherhood is lovely and unexpectedly satisfying. I never thought I would ever entertain staying home full time - but I love it. Sometimes I feel like a big puss for that. But most of the time i couldn't give a damn what others think. My little dood will only be young once. I am greedy about my time with him.
There a big plans brewing for the next year. DH is traveling a ton (across the pond.) We hope to buy a bigger house in the spring. And we are trying to work out the details about expanding our family in the fall of 2010. It is a complicated dance - the work, the moving, the tricky pregnancy. But we'll figure it out. Nearly 4 months of bedrest and the pain of child birth have faded into the distance. I fear what bedrest will look like with a toddler running about. But I know we can do it. Not without the support of or wonderful families - but I know they are all excited to see our clan grow.
More than anything I stress about the stress - remembering those moments of hopelessness - of feeling like my body was failing so terribly. I remember the terror and fear of knowing that we could have lost him. I can only hope that if we successfully conceive again, that we'll be better prepared this time. We have a good doctor. We know how to treat my issues preventatively. We've been through it all.
I miss you blog-o-sphere. I hope you are swell.
I miss you too!!! I was so excited to see your comment- I thought to myself... gee I hope she's back now.
I was oddly happy in my (albeit unexpectedly forced) stint as sahm. I think I could do it very easily. I love working since I really do love my job- but I hate the loss of time with her. You are so right that it never comes back & is so precious.
Speaking of precious- how adorable is D? Such a little man- yet still has that snuggly cuddly eat him up baby look- that's a great picture! I'm glad everything is going so well- I don't know how you manage it, but then again I guess I do. Everything seems to shift & change once you get that little miracle home & get into your mommy/parent groove. I know we have found ourselves adjusting quite easily to situations I would have never imagined pre-baby.
God luck in all your upcoming ventures- moving & a new babe... all very exciting!
Hey old friend! So fabulous to hear from you! From someone whose been there - you can totally do bedrest with a toddler! In fact, I <3'd that time. I could just lay with him and read book after book for hours on end. What I wouldn't do for the time to do that now! :D How exciting all the things you've got going on in life. Can't wait to continue to read about them all. You've been missed. XOXO
We miss you too! Good to hear from you again. Baby D is the cutest!
I have missed you and your posts. D is adorable! We too think about our next journey to have another addition to Finn and even though it will be about a year from now, it still has me thinking back and forward at the prospect.
Cute little guy
You never stopped in G world.
What a cutie!
Good to hear things are going pretty well. :)
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