1.G from Makes you stronger stunned me, and herself and the rest of the blog-o-sphere with a viable, beating little bean at this weeks scan. Holy shit. Un-fucking-believable story. If I could have one single wish this year, it is for G to get her ass knocked up... and stay that way. At least for 9 months:)
2. The little D-man turned 1! Knock my fat ass over with a feather, has a year gone by already? I miss my little lump of mush, but also love watching him grow into a little person.
3. The boy said "Mama!" Two days after his birthday he started consistently saying it. Melt-worthy.
4. I did my first, paid workshop as part of our new start up (me and 5 friends.) Feels awesome to make some money outside of the academic crap-hole I have been sucked into.
Well, I have procrastinated long enough. I have a pound cake in the shape of a choo-choo-train to make and ice. The official birthday party is tomorrow.
Wow- a year already?! He is gorgeous- and such a little ~boy~ now!
Right before I clicked over here CPumpkin said 'mama' clearly & distinctly. but has refused to repeat so far today & I am not convinced she really meant ~me~ anyway... but I am hoping!
Wow, Happy Birthday little man! Where does the time go?
He is so beautiful! I can't believe it's been more than a year since our days of Jerry and G$ entertainment.
He can't be one already, it's just too soon! He's so so cute.
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