Monday, July 28, 2008

Fending off preterm labor

I spent the morning in prenatal triage due to a major uptick in contractions over the weekend (I am 21 weeks). They pumped me with fluids, which did nothing, except hydrate me. After using the bathroom, the monitor was picking up contractions nearly every 5 minutes. Seems I need only get up and they increase. They are painless, but uncomfortable. Having some mild cramping, though infrequently.

Two manual checks showed a closed cervix over 3 hours - even through all the contractions. They decided on "watch and wait." I am at home resting. They recommend another manual check in 1 week. No meds. I called to update my OB. They want me in tomorrow (i thought a week wait was stupid!) So I have to call out for my last week of summer session. Arg.

I guess there may be meds offered, but I feel hesitant. Some of these meds seem kinda nasty, some not even yet approved for use in pregnancy. I am feeling pretty confused. And scared too.

DH is at a meeting with the Dean right now to decide whether or not to travel to I.ndia on thursday. Between the attacks and the preterm labor... I vote "no." But I am hesitant to hold him back. I have support if I need it. We'll see.


jenn said...

Oh hon! I am so sorry you are going through this rigt now- I hope that they ease off & that the roomie calms down & doesn't get any crazy ideas about busting out! And that you hubby stays around while you need him.

Chastity said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your contraction scare. Hang in there!

G$ said...

Oh M. I am glad you went in/called, I hope this continues to not be much. You are in my thoughts, as always. Watch some Jerry, he will help, I swear.

I vote no too. Tell the DH that I said so, mkay.


Meg said...

Oh my M. Thankfully your cervix is still on lock down and I guess waiting and watching is all you can do for now. I hope you are doing okay.....I second hubby staying close to India.

amylynn said...

I vote no too on India. I'm glad your OB is having you come in tomorrow. I'm praying for you.

Mel said...

What a scary experience...I'm so sorry you had to endure it. I'd say if there's any time that selfishness (about travel, being left alone) would be warranted with your husband, it would be now.

Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

sara said...

Just checking in to see how your appointment went today - hope everything went okay and you got some helpful info. ((hugs))

mrsmuelly said...

I know that's scary. I hate to add fear, but as a mom who knows I feel it necessary. Have you had an "internal" ultrasound to check your cervix length? You may have had this, but I only read today's post...sorry! Just please make sure and check internally too b/c my cervix looked closed from the outside, but I only had 6mm of cervical length. I'm sure it's nothing though and your docs are taking good care of you.

G$ said...

M, I hope you are ok. Thinking of you.